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Rinard orchid greenhouse


The Rinard Orchid Greenhouse on Ball State's campus contains the largest university-based orchid collection in the United States. A fantastic opportunity for learning, there are copious amounts of information for the many displayed plant species, animals and art installations. This information is overwhelming, often displayed in long paragraphs with small font, and inconsistent formatting. This makes the information difficult or impossible to digest for the 37% of Ball State Students with ADD, learning disability or traumatic brain injury.


By creating a simple categorizing system (Floral, Greenery, Discoveries, Installations) all information in the greenhouse can be presented  consistently. The displayed category markers correspond with an app where all information can be found. The info is streamlined, bulleted and selectively bolded. Because of research done on ADD/ADHD and effective learning apps, the ROGH app allows users to keep track of what they've learned in a game-like format. Users can go in any order, but there are numbers as a suggested if they learn better in a constructive format. The color scheme is relaxing because it promotes focused learning.

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